(10/18/05)When Microsoft first introduced the Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE) two years ago, the biggest complaint we had about the operating system was that it held recorded TV captive and produced poor-quality video playback. Other improvements long sought after by users, such as CableCard support, will likely not appear before the release of Windows Vista. They include: support for the Media Center functionality built into the Xbox 360 game console support for up to four TV tuners, two standard-def, two over-the-air high-def support for new (but rare) 200-disc DVD changers a new power-management mode, called Away Mode, which provides instant on/off functionality tweaks to the DVD-burning engine included in MCE new zoom modes for stretching images to fit the aspect ratio of your display and support for various languages and localities around the world. While not a major revision of the operating system, Rollup 2 includes some significant changes. Called Rollup 2, the free update is available for MCE 2005 users via Windows Update. IntroEditor's note: On Friday, October 14, Microsoft released an update for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. Please visit Windows update to download the update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 before installing Windows Media Player 11.Hope this helps. I am going to the /walkmansupport site.I encountered a message: Microsoft.Net Framework 1.1 Hotflix(KB928366) MicrosoftNet Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 'If it is removed from Microsoft.Net framework 1.1 these programs might not run properly - Do you want to continue? I did remove it.I also encountered Windows Media Player 11 Setup cannot continue.

'FlmscoreesdllENUXFFC7011D3A5A1BB8' Cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file 'PCWCABNDP' This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the cdRom, or a problem with this package.I am not downloading from the cd rom.

I am trying to install the Media Manager Version 1.2 Download.I am having trouble installing the WMP 11.I am currently getting the message Microsoft Wmf 11 Redist for MTP Support and my download stops there.I encountered an error message 1334. I have a Microsoft WindowsXP Media center edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3.Yes,it is a Sony Walkman Nwz-E438F.